November 2021 Minutes


Bridget opened the meeting

Acknowledgement and follow-up from discussion during last month’s meeting 

  • Bridget provided remarks addressing her understanding of what transpired during the October JHA meeting and spoke to Tony’s resignation and the question of his eligibility status as a board member and voting JHA member. 
  • Morgan provided additional remarks, highlighting the board’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion values. 
  • There was a robust discussion about two topics, where several members of the community spoke up and shared their experiences and insights from Bridget’s remarks and from the October meeting. Two members of the community expressed feeling that remarks made had been racially charged. 
  • Morgan offered to create a separate space to dig deeper into this topic.

Election overview and roll call 

  • Morgan provided an overview of the election mechanics and explained the board would be conducting roll call against our membership list in the back-round, using the names of people who had called into the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Stacey provided the Treasurer’s report

Police Report

  • Officer George Downing provided the police report

Committee Reports 

  • Social Committee- 
    1. Stoughton. They received gift cards to Honeycomb Cafe.Thanks to all who participated. Our goal is to have at least 10 homes participate next year.
    2. The first ever Kids Costume Parade was a big success! We had lots (an approximate number?) of kids participate on a rain-delayed occasion Halloween weekend at Downer Ave. Park. Thanks again to the Outreach Committee for that idea about a year ago.
    3. The success of this kids-themed event suggests we should have more of the same. However, neither of the two most active members of the Social Committee (Starr and Steve) have school age kids. We could definitely use some assistance planning and implementing some more of these types of events.
    4. Speaking of kids, Jones Hill has often had a presence at the neighborhood tree lighting ceremony hosted by the Mayor’s office. Assuming this tradition is revived this winter, the Social Committee will publicize it and take part in some way – perhaps in partnership with the Outreach Committee – for this early December event.
    5. Two other upcoming events on the drawing board are a Hot Toddy Tumble, with homes hosting outdoor beverage options. We are planning that for a weekend early in the new year. As well as an indoor version (COVID willing) at Oasis or other establishment on the west side of the hill. Stay tuned.


  • Governance- Steve Powers provided prepared remarks and announced dissolution of the committee.

  • Uphams Corner WAG Update- no update

  • Greenspace/Everett Ave Food Forest

  • Outreach Committee- Stacey provided update


Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services Update 

  • Denise was been unreachable


On The Hill 

  • Meaghan noted we welcome hearing of charities/ non=profits in need of help this holiday season and offered that they board can help promote these needs on our website
  • Coyotes
  • Trash Pick up delayed by one day due to Veteran’s Day


  • We held an election for the open MAL seat and Nathan Tavares was elected